• Apache HttpClient

    By Christian Güdemann 1 decade ago
        <p dir="ltr">
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            In the &quot;new&quot; part of the Extensionlbrary is the HTTP Client from Apache in the packeges and also org.apache.james. This are very powerfull apache project.</p>
        <p dir="ltr">
            Could you make this packes visible for all or are there any recomandations how we should use these packages in our application developement. An with application development, I mean specially the development of XPage Application, not the development of a extension.</p>
        <p dir="ltr">
            As a workaround, i import actually this packages in the &quot;WebContent/WEB-INF/lib&quot; Folder, but this is not a good option, if more then one application will use this package.</p>
        <p dir="ltr">
            Best regards</p>
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        <p dir="ltr">
        <p dir="ltr">
            PS: Sorry for posting in the wrong category</p>

  • Yes,good point

    By Philippe Riand 1 decade ago

    I forwarded the request to the team. We'll isolate the libraries into their own plug-ins and get them exported.

    This will be in a future release of the extlib, but probably not the next one.