• Xpages 8.5.3 ExtLib / Mobile Controls - outline event onItemClick does not work ?

    By Harald Biedermann 1 decade ago


    I tried to use the new Xpages Mobile Controls from the Extension Libary.

    I created a dynamicly outline.

    But the "onItemClick" Event for the outline control seems not to work.

    Nothing happens if i click on an outline-node.

    There is also a "onlick Event" for the
    But this Event also does not work.

     Is this a bug, or are events not supported ?

    Thanks in advance !


    Source Code of my example:



    onItemClick="#{javascript:viewScope.dynamicValue = context.getSubmittedValue();}">

    label="Eintrag hardkodiert" image="/icon_green.gif">

    Eintrag ohne href

    Eintrag ohne href

    onClick="#{javascript:viewScope.dynamicValue = context.getSubmittedValue();}">

    var cats:java.util.Vector = new java.util.Vector();

    cats = @DbColumn(@DbName(), "AllThreadsByAuthor", 1);


    refreshMode="partial" refreshId="computedField1">