• view by person - Microsoft feature (hisssss!)

    By Steve Cassidy 2 decades ago

    I saw a news article lately about an outlook add-on released by Microsoft Research, which provides very first-approximation style spam filtering by looking at who you have mailed or been mailed by; it assumes that your most frequent correspondents are not spam, and that the ones you've never mailed back or never seen before are very probably spam.

    This sounds to me unholy close to what could be done with the OpenNTF "by person" view. I've been fumbling about with it but in the pre-xmas nightmare I haven't even got as far as putting the number-of-messages totals up by the author fields, much less worked out how to corrall and then work through the "only one message from this person" category.

    Anyone done anything in this direction before?

    I'd also really like "mails by domain" view, so that all the correspondence with a particular company is sorted together, though of course this SHOULD be dead easy (assuming the domain info isn't hidden in the accursed swamp of destructible-array-of-received-fields)…