• Render problem of breadcrumb

    By Fero Kossuth 1 decade ago

    Last item (current page) is rendered as inactive link, what may be confusing to users. Please, render it according to OneUI documentation (last item rendered as text inside div).

    • What place is wrong?

      By Andrejus Chaliapinas 1 decade ago

      In that OneUI spec for Code sample you have:

      <div class="lotusBreadcrumbs" role="navigation">You are in: <a href="javascript:;">Previous location</a> &gt; Current location</div>

      <!-- START sampleCodeInIframe_end.htm --><!-- NOTE: for proper formatting in the IFRAME, the </pre> tag above must be the first characters of the footer file. --><!--

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      (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2010. All Rights Reserved.
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      –>and currently if you render same Extlib control you'll get such HTML output:

      <div class="lotusBreadcrumbs" role="navigation"><span title="You are in: " class="lotusBreadcrumbsLabel">You are in: </span><a style="text-decoration:none" href="/xpages_tests/XPagesExt.nsf/Domino_Home.xsp">Home</a>
      <span class="lotusBreadcrumbsSeparator"> &gt; </span><a style="text-decoration:none" href="/xpages_tests/XPagesExt.nsf/Domino_UserBean.xsp">User Bean</a>
      <span class="lotusBreadcrumbsSeparator"> &gt; </span><a style="text-decoration:none">View State</a>


      Could you tell which place is wrong here?

      • last element

        By Fero Kossuth 1 decade ago

        This is from doc:


        And this is ExtLib component:

        What I think is bad in implementation:

        1) Aesthetic issue - last element is rendered as link, and users try to click it. If I wanted workaround - to omit last element and put is as text, it doesn't work - Last element's link never works. So:

        2) You always ignore href attribute of last element.

        I would expect it to work this way: if last element does not define href, it should be rendered as text (in div). Otherwise it should be rendered as working anchor.


        • Fix will be in next build

          By Andrejus Chaliapinas 1 decade ago

          I've fixed that issue and in next build last element will be rendered as text.