• "src" directory is not created

    By Raphael Munoz 1 decade ago


    First, thanks for your excelent work.

    The example works perfect on 8.5.1, but when I try to install the control on my app, I can´t follow the tuto. In the 8 step "Click the tab 'Source' and choose 'add folder'. Navigate to 'WebContent\WEB-INF\src', then select only the src folder." there is no "src" folder in my WEB-INF folder.

    it looks like the packages went copied exactly on the WEB-INF folder. 

    Please help me!!!

    • Solved

      By Raphael Munoz 1 decade ago

      Instead of selecting "all the packages" as described in step 5, just select the folder "WebContent/WEB-INF/com/src" itself.

      After pasted, the src folder is created in the package explorer, and the installation goes OK.