• mRectangle

    By Herbert Wagger

    We've run into a few problems and we're not sure if we're using the
    framework incorrectly or if we have run into a couple of
    bugs/restrictions in the framework.

    1. in the mRectangle component, the

      tag has the id='ul1'. This
      causes problems when the mRectangle is used, as the multiple ul-tags
      have the save id, which causes problems with dojo.

      2. It appears that the framework assumes that all views/documents are to
      come from the same database and that only one mDocumentContainer will be
      included on one xPage. We receive an error when we try to have multiple
      documents from various databases on the same xPage. The problem appears
      to be in the mDocumentContainer component. In the 'rendered' attribute
      on line 16 the following statement throws an error:
      doc = db.getDocumentByUNID(param.get("unid"));
      This is because all documentcontainers attempt to retrieve the document
      using the 'unid' in the request parameters. If this document does not
      exist (which of course it doesn't, because the unid is only for a
      document in one of the databases and not all databases) then a
      NotesException is thrown.

      3. Generally, there appears to be a problem with some of the components
      (such as mDocumentContainer and mView for example) when they are used
      more than once in the same xPage. These components include client side
      javascript code and functions. When there a multiple instances of these
      components on an xPage, the javascript functions and variables are
      included multiple times in the html and end up overwriting one another,
      so that only the javascript from the last component on the xPage is used
      by the browser. Or am I missing something here?