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PDQ Ad Server

This is the Ad Serving platform that is used by the Domino Ad Network (https://www.DominoAdNet.com) and the Social Media Ad Network (https://www.SoMeAdnet.com).


It is a complete ad serving platform that can manage flat rate, CPC and CPM ads with real time bidding. A "New Advertiser Credit Program" makes it easy to attract new advertisers.


- Flat rate, CPM and CPC ads.
- Real time bidding on all ad types.
- "Credit" program to attract new advertisers.
- Self serve advertising for your site.
- Increase flat rate income by selling it daily instead of monthly.
- Daily email report: sales, views, clicks and visitors by zone and by site with accounting.
- Automatic weekly payouts.
- Click fraud prevention.


- Real time bidding for value assurance.
- Fractional purchase of flat rate ads.
- Competing bids display.
- Geolocation of ads: by distance from an address or by Country or State.
- Set daily budgets by ad or as a total.
- Buy ads for specific sites or by Domino related categories.
- Daily email report: purchases, views and clicks by ad and by site with account balance and promotional credits accounting.


Complete tutorial videos are available at https://www.DominoAdNet.com (click the green "Show me how" button).


The file posted here contains all of the definition documents and @formulas that define the report generation application. To use this application, download the free PDQ Portal CMS Developer system from https://www.pdqportal.com  (the Ad Server definition documents are already in it).


All code in this application is released under the Apache License Version 2 and can be freely modified and distributed.